The first glorious mystery


Jesus said to Thomas: "Put your finger here and see my hands, bring your hand and put it into my side and do not be unbelieving, but believe. Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed”. (Cf. Jn 20, 27-29)


Let us ask God for a greater faith in the resurrected Christ.

Father, through the Welcoming Heart of your Beloved Son, bring down the Almighty graces of the mystery of the Resurrection of Jesus, to form a shield of Protection, of Light and of Peace, around our souls, around the earth, and to enchain the forces of evil.

By these Almighty graces, come and liberate us, deliver us, purify us and sanctify us, and also heal within us all which is not of you my God.

By these Almighty graces, come and cut within us all bonds of our bad habits and sin, and liberate the souls from Purgatory.

Then recite...

Our Father who art ten Hail Mary’s Glory be to the Father.

Followed by...

Holy God, God Almighty, God our Father,
have mercy on us and the whole world.


The Second Glorious Mystery

The Ascension of Jesus

Jesus said: "I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and my God”. (Jn 20, 17)

So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up to heaven and took his seat at the right side of God. (Mk 16, 19)


Let us ask God for true Christian hope.

Father, through the Welcoming Heart of your Beloved Son, bring down the Almighty graces of the mystery of the Ascension of Jesus, to form a shield of Protection, of Light and of Peace, around our souls, around the earth, and to enchain the forces of evil.

By these Almighty graces, come and liberate us, deliver us, purify us and sanctify us, and also heal within us all which is not of you my God.

By these Almighty graces, come and cut within us all bonds of our bad habits and sin, and liberate the souls from Purgatory.

Then recite...


Our Father who art ten Hail Mary’s Glory be to the Father.

Followed by...

Holy God, God Almighty, God our Father,
have mercy on us and the whole world.


The Third Glorious Mystery

The Pentecost

When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from Heaven a noise like a strong driving wind and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. (Ac 2, 1-4)


Let us ask God for the effusion of the Holy Spirit on the whole world.

Father, through the Welcoming Heart of your Beloved Son, bring down the Almighty graces of the mystery of the Pentecost, to form a shield of Protection, of Light and of Peace, around our souls, around the earth, and to enchain the forces of evil.

By these Almighty graces, come and liberate us, deliver us, purify us and sanctify us, and also heal within us all which is not of you my God.

By these Almighty graces, come and cut within us all bonds of our bad habits and sin, and liberate the souls from Purgatory.

Then recite...

Our Father who art ten Hail Mary’s Glory be to the Father.

Followed by...

Holy God, God Almighty, God our Father,
have mercy on us and the whole world.


The Fourth Glorious Mystery

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary


"Who is coming from the desert, leaning upon her lover?” (Sg 8, 5)

"Who is this that comes forth like the dawn, as beautiful as the moon, as resplendent as the sun, as awe-inspiring as bannered troops?” (Sg 6, 10)




Let us ask for God for his grace in order to die peacefully.

Father, through the Welcoming Heart of your Beloved Son, bring down the Almighty graces of the mystery of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, to form a shield of Protection, of Light and of Peace, around our souls, around the earth, and to enchain the forces of evil.

By these Almighty graces, come and liberate us, deliver us, purify us and sanctify us, and also heal within us all which is not of you my God.

By these Almighty graces, come and cut within us all bonds of our bad habits and sin, and liberate the souls from Purgatory.


Then recite...

Our Father who art ten Hail Mary’s Glory be to the Father.

Followed by...

Holy God, God Almighty, God our Father,
have mercy on us and the whole world.


The Fifth Glorious Mystery

The Crowning of the Virgin Mary

A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. (Rev 12, 1)


Let us ask God for his grace to have a great devotion to the Virgin Mary.

Father, through the Welcoming Heart of your Beloved Son, bring down the Almighty graces of the mystery of the Crowning of the Virgin Mary, to form a shield of Protection, of Light and of Peace, around our souls, around the earth, and to enchain the forces of evil.

By these Almighty graces, come and liberate us, deliver us, purify us and sanctify us, and also heal within us all which is not of you my God.

By these Almighty graces, come and cut within us all bonds of our bad habits and sin, and liberate the souls from Purgatory.


Then recite...

Our Father who art ten Hail Mary’s Glory be to the Father.

Followed by...

Holy God, God Almighty, God our Father,
have mercy on us and the whole world.

Association Coeur d'Accueil de Jésus

C.P. 200 Succ. Dépôt Rive-Nord Boisbriand (Québec) Canada J7E 4J2
Tel.: (450) 965-9942 | Fax.: (450) 965-7539