Messages given by the Virgin Mary and the Lord Jesus Christ received by Micheline Boisvert


Message given by the Virgin Mary

July 1999
My children, I thank you for assembling together in the name of my Son Jesus. I thank all those of you who welcome and will make known the Welcoming Heart of my Beloved Son. My Heart is filled with joy because of everything that you do in his name.

My children, walk with confidence, your Heavenly Father is your shield. Do not linger one moment because of the slander that will be said against this mission and this child ; do not let yourselves be influenced by everything that does not come from God ; do not judge your brothers and sisters ; do not criticize them! Become gentle and humble in your heart and understand that only love can obtain everything...
Never forget, my children, that you assembled together in the name of my Son, in the name of his Welcoming Heart. You will be tested, but through all these small trials, you will reinforce yourselves. Praise the Lord with all your heart, because he is acting with power upon you. Understand that he needs you for this mission.

“Love one another” (Jn 13, 34), my children! Learn to respect your differences. Come and draw the Almighty graces at the Source which is the Welcoming Heart of my Son.

My children, form prayer groups and learn your brothers and sisters how to pray the Chaplet and the Rosary of the Welcoming Heart of my Son. Those of you who are searching for God’s Light, understand that these prayer groups will become places where you will be able to renew your faith, where you will be liberated and delivered from whatever does not come from God.
All of you who are youngsters, I, your Mother Mary, I ask you to unite together in prayer. I come to say to all of you who have no earthly father or mother to ask your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for help.

Prayer taught by the Virgin Mary: Come, Lord Jesus, through your Welcoming Heart and welcome in me your Almighty graces of faith, of hope and charity.
I, your Mother Mary, I love you and bless you, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… Amen.


A message given by the Virgin Mary.

August 1999
My children, I thank you for responding to my call in your heart and uniting yourselves to the Eucharistic Heart of my Son. In these last times of darkness, convert yourselves urgently my children.
Many of you have gone astray and are on the pathway of perdition, because you refuse to return to your Creator’s Love, which is why my adversary will attract you very quickly into the abyss of suffering.
All of you who have gone astray, I supplicate you, come back to prayer. Take Saint Augustine as an example. He had gone astray, he came back to God’s Love and converted himself. Understand, my children, that humanity has never fallen so much in sinful decay. You need help, my children and only Heaven can give it to you.
Understand that in this period of great trials help will not be available to you in certain situations, because human power on earth will simply not be able to help you out. You will need to be directed in order to survive and you will then understand how important the Welcoming Heart of my Son is for each one of you.
Pray and pray, my children, great changes will occur on earth. Almighty graces are available to you and all you have to do is to welcome them through the Welcoming heart of my Son.
My children, do not resist the Almightiness of your Heavenly Father’s Light, because of your hardedness, your hardened hearts and your great indifference. Understand that your resistance will destroy you! I supplicate you, my children, do not make yourselves senseless. Open your eyes, look at all the peoples who are destroying themselves.

Prayer taught by the Virgin Mary: Come, Lord Jesus, through your Welcoming Heart and welcome your Almighty graces of peace in all my being and all over the earth.
Don’t let yourselves be trapped and become unstable because of fear, anguish or anything else that does not come from God. Be vigilant! Remain in peace and communion with all the saints through prayer. This will sustain you and give you protection.
My children, bless the Lord for all the food that you have. Bless the Lord for all the water that is available to you. Bless the Lord for the nation in which you live, because it’s in this nation that your Heavenly Father revealed the Welcoming Heart of his Son through this child’s heart. Praise him with all your heart.
I intercede and bring down upon you Almighty blessings through God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


A message given by the Virgin Mary.

September 1999
My children, I thank you for uniting together to this Mass through the Welcoming Heart of my Son. My beloved sons, you who bear priesthood, some of you have forgotten that you have been chosen from all eternity to serve as Pastors in the Church by being in communion with the Holy Father the Pope.
You, my priestly souls, who refuse consciously to follow the Holy Father the Pope and who persecute him, your responsibility is great in front of God and this humanity. Be assured that you will be confronted with the judgement of God if your hearts do not change. Some of you are trying to destroy my Church and I, your Mother Mary, I come to tell you that my Church will never perish. With the power of the Holy Spirit it will rise again from its ashes and it will live forever, because the Heart of the Church is the Eucharist of my Son!

The doors of hell will not prevail against it. You, my priestly souls, who were chosen from all eternity by your Heavenly Father, consent in obedience to submit yourselves to our Holy Father the Pope. He was chosen by God to guide and unite the peoples together and to build his Church: “I now say to you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.” (Mt 16, 18)
My beloved sons, you who bear priesthood, you who offered your lives to my Son Jesus, in order to serve him in his Church, make sure that your heart burns only with the desire to save souls. Go back to your confessionals! Understand that my children need to hear about the mercy of my Son and the action of his grace through testimonies, because this will help to strengthen their faith.

I supplicate you, my priestly souls, come back and recite heart-to-heart prayers addressed to my Son Jesus Christ. “A priestly heart in which the Love of my Son does not have any place will not bear fruits.”
Do not be afraid, in these last time of darkness, your Heavenly Father gave you the Welcoming Heart of His Son to help his Church rise again in the Holy Spirit and to unite all his children on earth to his Love and to the Almighty Powerful graces of his Kingdom.

Prayer taught by the Virgin Mary: Come, Lord Jesus, through your Welcoming Heart and welcome the Almighty graces of truth and discernment of your Holy Spirit. Burn the hearts of your priests with the Sacred Fire of your Eucharist. I believe in God, the Father Almighty.

I, your Mother Mary, united to the Holy Father the Pope, I bring down upon my Church the Almighty graces of Benediction given by the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


A message given by the Virgin Mary
.August 1999

My children, I thank you for assembling together to pray and to listen to my teaching. I ask you to make known the Welcoming Heart of my Son. Walk with strength and audacity having respect for your brothers and sisters. Sow the good grain by bringing them the Good News. Everything must be done with love for my Son. Let him act! Doing all of this is an occasion for you to grow in spiritual virtues.
How many souls are lost because they did not unite themselves to God who is life. Understand that God’s Commandments give you great protection, because they are a safe pathway and a bastion that protects your soul. Deposit all your crosses at the foot of my Son’s Cross. Convert yourselves! Pray and pray, my children.

I supplicate you, my children, do not reject the Welcoming Heart of my Son. All over the earth I do not cease warning you and to bring you my protection. Be conscious that many of your words do not manifest love nor peace. Be conscious that sometimes your words are nourishment for our adversary. You must draw away from people that talk only about darkness.
You must draw away and detach yourselves from films, television programs and publications that wake aggressive and sexual obsessions in you. Draw away from all gambling! Draw your children away from computer games that can render them slaves and passive as life goes by. Draw away from everything that can make you compulsive and unbalanced human beings.
My children, I supplicate you to nourish yourselves with everything that brings peace in you and that can develop good moral values in you. Nourish yourselves with everything that will keep your life on God’s children pathway.

Prayer taught by the Virgin Mary: Come, Lord Jesus, through your Welcoming Heart and welcome your Almighty graces of liberation and deliverance in bonds of dependencies and bad habits within me.

Pray and pray, my children! Return to your Heavenly Father’s Love. Come and draw living water from your Creator who is the Fountain of life.
I bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


A message given by the Virgin Mary.

April 1999

Ithank you for uniting around this child. You my children of this earth, you are on the roadway back to God. Those who suffer greatly are supplicating God with all their heart to help them out. They don’t know why they are suffering. They don’t know why this is happening to them. They must learn how to turn themselves toward their Heavenly Father who is the only one who can really help them out.

My children must learn not to put their faith in men, but only in God. Open your eyes, my children! Learn to rely only on God for your faith and your life’s needs. I, your Heavenly Mother, I cry because I see so many of God’s children suffering. I, who warns them and who wants to be heard all over the earth! Why are you not putting your confidence and your hope in God? Why do you not want to believe in the power of prayer?

The leaders of some countries have no love in their heart. All they want is to detain power. Therefore, they continually maintain people in duality. Understand, my children, that with togetherness and by loving one another you can be united and helpful among yourselves.
I ask those of you who will read these words to reflect. You choose your leaders. May your choice be differently made in favour of people who have a heart and the people of your nations will see light... Together, pray and pray, in order that one day, on this earth, only your Heavenly Father will direct you into his Love and into his Peace.

Prayer taught by the Virgin Mary: Come, Lord Jesus, through your Welcoming Heart and welcome the Almightiness of your Holy Spirit’s Truth and the Almightiness of his discernment concerning how we should choose our leaders.
Your Heavenly Father will unite all people into his Love! So they may bear a lot of fruit, he is presently granting them the Almighty-Powerful graces of his Kingdom. Be conscious, all of you who are my praying hearts, because you have a responsibility toward your brothers and sisters, which means that you must sustain them with your prayers. I therefore supplicate you, my children, to pray in order to help us save souls.

Praise the Lord with all your heart, because he has done marvelous things for you. May your words, your thoughts and actions be made only with love manifested toward your brothers and sisters. Together we will conquer with the Holy Spirit’s Light. “Peace on earth to those of good will ” ( Lk 2, 14) and may God bless you my children! Amen.


A message given by our Lord Jesus Christ

April 1999

My child, ask me for graces for those who are helping you. Presently, this humanity opened wide open a door through which enters darkness. Therefore, this is the reason why I will manifest my living Justice in this humanity.

Praise your Heavenly Father from the bottom of your heart and sing to him praises without ceasing (Ac 16, 25), because he is with you and he is doing marvelous things for you.


A message given by the Virgin Mary.

April 1999

Ithank you from the bottom of my heart for uniting yourselves to this child through the Holy Communion that she received. My children, you have to chose between light and darkness. Do not let yourselves go astray because of your bad habits. They are the source of much of your suffering. Come back to my Son who his Pure Love.

God is Life, Light and Peace. If you do not feel this in all your being, I supplicate you, pray and pray, through the Welcoming Heart of my Son and ask him to welcome within you the life of God the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I, Your Heavenly Mother, I say unto you that many of my children never were welcomed by their parents or their families on earth. The burden of the great wounds that they carry within themselves is so great that they cannot welcome or accept life and love.
However, today my Son comes with his Welcoming Heart and welcomes with them the need to accept love and life. My children, please understand that only the Welcoming Heart of my Son can transform your heartfelt wounds, even those that you received while you were in your mother’s womb and after you were born.

My children, return to the Holy celebration of Mass. Come and unite yourselves to the Almightiness of my beloved Son’s Eucharist. Let him act within your heart. He knows everything! He sees everything! He can accomplish all things! “His faithful love is everlasting ” (Ps 106, 1).

I bless you with all my Heart, in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen …


A message given by the Virgin Mary.

April 1999

My children, my Heart is filled with sorrow because I see so many hearts hardened and indifferent. Understand that you are presently living in social structures that harden your heart and that keep you away from my Son, because these social structures keep away and reject my Sons’ Love as well as his Welcome.

Many have lost all moral values. They let themselves dominated by their senses and burden themselves with their sins. “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mt 26, 41). Come back to God’s Love, he who created you. Change your way of living and come back to prayer. You have drifted away from the teachings of my Son. Take the habit of reading the Bible in your families.
My children, my Son is your Savior. Open your heart to his Love.

A message given by our Lord Jesus Christ to sister Margot.

Thank you my beloved daughter, because you offered your life and united yourself to my Love. You are the beloved spouse of my Heart. Thank you for your great confidence and your faith concerning everything that I want to accomplish through this child.
Through my blessing, I bring upon each one of you, who are with this child, my Almighty Protection and I also invade the earth with my Holy Spirit’s Almighty Light.

Pray the Welcoming Heart to welcome the Almighty graces needed to liberate the souls of my children. Offer me these souls; offer me all their suffering, because I desire to welcome all of them in my Love. Amen.



A message given by God our Father Almighty.
April 1999

My children, my Son carried his Cross for you. His Blood was poured on earth to redeem you from your sins and today some of my priests do not allow time for adoration. In their churches they do not expose the Blessed Eucharist for my children to see. The way some of them live even keep’s away my children from this great mystery of his Love.

Some of my priests do not find time to spend with my children who are asking themselves questions concerning the great Love mystery which is the Eucharist and questions concerning what is happening during mass. Great theories do not reach a child’s heart, but with simple words you will be able to strengthen their faith and make their confidence grow. It’s also your responsibility to explain the sacrament of Penance’s action through grace. You must tell them that they will be liberated of their sins and other burdens by this sacrament.

Make known to them the Welcoming Heart of my Son who will bring upon them great protection.


A message given by the Virgin Mary

May 1999
My beloved sons who bear priesthood, I desire to help my Son revive in you the sacred fire of his Eucharist, because it is also through you that I want the Welcoming Heart of my Son to be known in my Church. Remember, my priestly souls, the many epidemic diseases and scourges that were driven away forever in the past, when my Son was recognized, proclaimed and adored through processions...

Consider the spiritual help brought by my priests who simply exposed the Eucharist on my children’s land or in their homes in order to drive away epidemic diseases or other evil things. Why should it be different today? My Son has always liberated, delivered and healed my children. He his the same today as he has always been and will be forever. The promises made to my children are always actual. My Son is the Almighty! This is not a story that occurred two thousand years ago. His Eucharist is the Heart of my Church.

My priestly souls, I ask you to do everything possible to open the doors of your churches so that my Son can be adored in the Eucharist. Ask lay people for their help! Make them understand how important it is to adore the Eucharist. Tell them that where my Son will be adored praised and blessed, epidemic diseases and scourges will be driven away. Adoration provides for them and their families great protection.

I supplicate you, my priestly souls, meditate all these words in your heart. Understand that I, your Heavenly Mother, I interceded God the Father in order to grant you the Gift of the Welcoming Heart of my Son. Understand that the Heart of my Son is the testimony of the Almightiness of his Eucharist in his Church.

Prayer taught by the Virgin Mary: Come, Lord Jesus, through your Welcoming Heart and light up the sacred fire of your Eucharistic Love in the heart of your priests.
The time has come for my Church to cease reasoning and to open itself up with great discernment to the Holy Spirit’s grace through the Mission of my Son’s Welcoming Heart. I supplicate you, my priestly souls, in the name of God the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, go and fetch my children who are getting lost more and more.

My children make known to them the Welcoming Heart of my Son and circulate the image of the Welcoming Heart, because it will give them great protection and to you also. “Blessed he who comes in the name of the Lord ” (Ps 118, 26).
Hosanna to the highest who is in Heaven!
I bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…. Amen.

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