Chapelet of the Welcoming Heart of Jesus
received by Miclieline Boisvert, December 30th 1998
To all the children of the earth, to all those who will receive the image of the Welcoming Heart of my Son Jesus-Christ, and I address myself especially to my children who have lots of difficulty believing, and to even those who do not believe that a God exists, I ask you to pose this image on you heart and to look at it. You will live great changes in all your heart and in all your life. Carry it on you! This image carries a lot of Power, it carries the Powers of the Father’s Kingdom. Ask the Welcoming Heart of my Son to welcome healing within you, but before saying there is nothing in this image, I supplicate to you my children, try praying with it at least once. I, your Mother, say to you: your hearts will become like a burning sun. You will become new beings, full of hope, love and peace. Circulate this image in al the families, in all the churches, give some to all your friends. This image of the Welcoming Heart of my Son is a great protection for this humanity. To all the children of the earth who suffer in their physical body, if you are no longer able to pray, I ask you to at least to pose this image, quite simply, on the part of your body that makes you suffer. All the prayers of the Welcoming Heart of my Son and this image will be known at very great speed, because they will produce many physical healings, and I do say physical, as well as healings of the heart and soul. Through all these healings, your hearts will be full of desire to make known the Welcoming Heart of my Son on this earth. I say to you again: The Father brings down on you all the Powers of his Kingdom. Can you imagine all that this can bring to his children? The only way of seeing if it is really true, if I am really telling you the truth, you only have to do it: to pray the Welcoming Heart and use his image. Is this so hard to do my children? N.B Let us testify with force of all the graces received through the welcoming Heart of Jesus, thus helping Jesus and Mary to save the souls and strengthen the faith of our brothers and sisters. May our testimonies be the Light in the darkness.
Begin the chaplet by reciting: Then, one time (1); three times (2); and one time (3). Each decade begins by (1) and ends by (3).
The chaplet ends with the following invocation:
Here are examples of prayer intentions proposed in each decade: Father, by the Welcoming Heart of your Beloved Son, Father, by the Welcoming Heart of your Beloved Son,
Father, by the Welcoming Heart of your Beloved Son,
« This chaplet of the Welcoming Heart of Jesus will invade the entire world and save millions of souls. » This Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary, given to the Church and humanity, was received by Micheline Boisvert on the 20th day of May 1999.