Micheline Boisvert brief biography
I was born in 1952. My parents were poor and I had to go to work at a very young age to help my mother out. Even though I lived through a lot of difficulties, my quest for God increased greatly while growing up, because I always believed in him.
Because I was far away from Church and not receiving the protection given by the sacraments, today I know why I lived a great interior void and a great solitude. My way of living brought me far away from God. However, I sometimes cried out to God when I was suffering. The Lord knew my heart and the trust that I always had in him. Sometimes I wanted to die and because I could not find my place in this arid world, I took drugs and alcohol which nearly destroyed me.
During the month of June 1990, my life was suddenly turned upside down. I was suddenly stricken by a sharp attack of multiple sclerosis. My body was all broken apart. I could not move my legs, my intestines did not function, my lungs and my sight were weakened. There was very little life left in my body even though I was receiving medication and morphine. The pain was so great that I felt interiorly that I would not be able to live much longer.
At that time my son was sixteen years old. When he visited me at the hospital and looked at me from my bedside, he had great difficulty accepting what I was going through. I was unrecognizable. It was very difficult for my Son to face this reality. I had lost a lot of weight and I felt that my nervous system was deteriorated in all my body. I was living martyrdom.
The medical doctors told me that I would never be cured and that I would be unable to work the rest of my life. My life really toppled over and it’s through this sufferance that I cried out to God with all my heart and asked him to let me live, because I knew my son was not ready to go through the trial of my passing away. I had become powerless, vulnerable and incapable to do absolutely nothing at all by myself. Through all of this, I finally realized that I needed help from others and above all from God. It was at that moment that I said to God: “If you let me live, I will work for you and I will take care of my son.” At that very moment, I saw a great light that came down upon me. It penetrated my heart and all my body and my heart burned and burned with love.
Today I realize that the Lord was then asking me to offer him my whole life. However, I had no idea at that time how this would actually happen. It’s through great misery that the Lord visited me. Then one day, when I was praying, he told me: “I did not come to you the way you expected. I came to you with my love, because I want you to work for me and to bring souls to me.”
Since I was seized with his love, he granted me the grace of setting my heart on fire with his love, he united me to the Almightiness of his Eucharist which is the renewal of his Passion and he united me to the great Mission of his Welcoming Heart. If the Lord had not healed my body, I would not be able to survive his intense love with which he seizes my whole being.
These few lines are a brief summarization concerning a period of my life that opened me up to the love of God. A day will come when the Lord will make me open up all the pages of my life to help my brothers and sisters, in order to let them know the greatness of his Mercy.
For those of you who are currently living great difficulties, you who are crying out to God, I am asking you: “Trust and hope with all your heart in the Lord, because he will grant you his graces.” I, whom our Heavenly Father calls “the little innocent child of God”, I pray for you with all my heart, because I know you are suffering.
Sometimes the Lord allows me to feel the sufferance my brothers and sisters have in their hearts and souls and how difficult all of this really is for them to live with. For all those of you who are reading theses lines, I presently ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to the Almighty Compassion of Jesus.
Prayer :
“Lord, through the Welcoming Heart of your beloved Son, bring down the Almighty graces of each Rosary mystery to form a shield of Protection, of Light and of Peace, around our souls, around the earth and to enchain the forces of evil. By these Almighty graces, come and liberate us, deliver us, purify us and sanctify us, and also heal within us all which is not of you my God. By these Almighty graces, come and cut within us all bonds of our bad habits and sin, and liberate the souls from Purgatory.”