Information concerning the Crucifix
The Lord permitted through his divine Providence that Micheline receive this Crucifix that was suspended for many years over the altar in the Chapel of the Sisters of the Precious Blood.
Micheline in front of the Crucifix…
With a lot of love and joy Micheline was sharing with a friend the prayers that the Lord was inspiring in her heart while she was in front of the Crucifix. During her testimony the Lord seized her and introduced her to the mystery of his Cross. While she was praying she was overwhelmed with peace and her face glowed with a lot of love emanating through her words that became supplications.
From Micheline’s heart, the following words were spurted out when the Lord’s divine Love seized her gently.
“I now understand more and more to what extent I must pray for the offenses done to the Lord’s Cross and to his Holy wounds, to his Name and Eucharist. My heart is presently burning with the power of his Love, of his Mercy and forgiveness that he has for sinners. He’s my divine Master. My life belongs to Him. He’s the only one who knows to what extent I desire dying of love for Him. Many times he confronted me to my misery and demonstrated also that by myself I am nothing at all and that without his graces I cannot accomplish anything in his divine name.
I know I am poor in virtues. The desire of my divine Master is to humiliate me through this and to burn my heart, all my being with his divine Love. Each time that I receive Communion I praise and bless Him for his Bread of Life and his divine presence in this humanity.
I also thank Him because he fetched me in my hellish way of living, because I had cut myself off from his Love, which is why my life became like a desert. I ask Him ceaselessly to purify my thoughts and to sanctify my heart and my soul through his Bread of Life. I ask for his mercy and forgiveness for all priests that offend Him, because some priestly souls are the cause of great suffering for Him. Their offenses are greater sins than those made by the biggest sinners on earth.
Holy God, God Almighty, God our Father, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Before Communion, the Lord submerges my soul in the depths of darkness and makes me participate to the great mystery of his Gethsemane and his Passion. He makes me live the indifference lived by some priestly souls toward the great mystery of his Love which is his Eucharist. I live all of this with love. I am not subjected to suffering. God’s grace is sufficient. Everything that I live during Mass is so intense that if I would not receive my good Jesus graces, I could not survive this great mystery of his Love. At the very moment that I receive the Holy Communion, my gentle Jesus liberates me of all my suffering, my soul is overcome and elevated by his Light and then I live a holy peace. Because of this Light, no words can express all the love in which my soul is plunged. At that very moment, the Lord deposits in my heart the conviction that he is acting mightily for everyone he asks me to pray for. Only my good Jesus knows my sufferance and all the love that I have for Him. It’s only because of his Love that I can love Him and if I can suffer for Him it’s because of his graces.”
In front of the Crucifix Micheline also said with a lot of love, while supplicating and crying: “My God, I supplicate you. Come and help us. Don’t let us perish. My sweet Jesus, I supplicate you, teach me how to become obedient. I will accomplish everything you ask me to do in your Holy Name. I desire this with all my heart, my sweet Jesus. Lord Jesus, I am nothing at all, come and make your Almighty graces burst through the offering of all my being and through the total forgetfulness of myself, so I may be able to help my brothers and sisters. Lord, come and take possession of my intelligence and my will. Come and consecrate me to your divine will, to your love and to your Mother, the Immaculate Conception.”
After this prayer Micheline’s cries intensified…
“I supplicate you, do not permit that I be tempted to look behind me for one moment. I supplicate you, I supplicate you. I want to belong only to you my sweet Jesus. I suffer so much on earth. My soul is thirsty for your love. Night and day I cry towards you. Have pity, Lord, because of what I am”.
Micheline remained profoundly seized for a long time, after being united to the Love of her sweet Jesus. When she came back to her humanity, as she often says, we could see the marks of the Crown of Thorns around her forehead. Then she said:
“May the Welcoming Heart of Jesus be blessed and be adored.
I believe in God Almighty.”.
Note: Every day, in front of the Crucifix, Micheline presents to the Welcoming Heart of Jesus the prayer requests that she receives.