The Welcoming Heart of Jesus is a Eucharistic Mission
Before the celebration of Mass, the Lord begins to manifest the suffering of his Agony in Micheline. She then bears the sufferance of souls, such has their anxiety, their fright, their sadness, their indifference toward the Eucharist, the pain associated to the sacrilegious reception of the Eucharist and many other things that offends God. Then her body hurts so very much that it’s as if her bones could shatter.
Throughout the celebration of Mass she lives the Passion of Jesus Christ and at the Consecration the Lord unites her so intensely to him that her heart burns and burns with love for her Good Jesus. She says that at some moments, when she lives this great mystery of love and when the intense divine Light penetrates her heart, her flesh and her soul could end up in a small packet of dust.
She also says that the Eucharist which is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is a fire of divine Love that transforms us. The Lord who granted Micheline the grace of being an offering for many (Cf. Mc 10, 45), united her to the Eucharist which is his great mystery of Love and makes her live willingly his suffering that does manifest itself through pain and tears that she sheds. The Virgin Mary says in her messages that the tears shed by Micheline are a rainfall of graces, because they are united to the suffering of her Son Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary also says that her tears are graces of liberation and deliverance for her children.
the beginning of time, our Lord Jesus Christ has chosen certain souls whom he asks to suffer willingly as victims of his divine love to atone for sin. Micheline was chosen for this purpose and he also gave her the mission to make known his Welcoming Heart, which is an Eucharistic Mission. Micheline says that everything that she lives is lived with a lot of love, because of God’s grace.
“I shall give them a single heart and I shall put a new spirit in them; I shall remove the heart of stone from their bodies and give them a heart of flesh, so that they can keep my laws and respect my judgements and put them in practice. Then they will be my people and I shall be their God.” (Ezk 11, 19).
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mt 22, 37-39).
We pray that this very same thirst to love God will consume as by fire all his children’s hearts and, to put it another way, that the thirst to love God when we receive the Eucharist will consume with love all his children’s hearts.
Continuing his divine Pentecost, our Heavenly Father, through his great mercy, has granted us the Gift of the Welcoming Heart his Son Jesus Christ, which is an incommensurable Gift, through which we receive the Almighty graces of his Kingdom, in these difficult times that we are presently living in. Once again the Virgin Mary kept her vigil over her children, when she implored our Heavenly Father to grant us the Gift of his Son’s Welcoming Heart. Because of her great Love she comes to us and teaches us that we must take the pathway of obedience of our Heavenly Father who wants to attract all his children to the Eucharist of his Son Jesus Christ.
Our Heavenly Father wants to gather us in his Church, because he wants us to receive the Holy Communion which is the Body and Blood of his Son Jesus-Christ. In doing so, he also wants to unite the hearts of all his children into one heart.
The Word of God says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life (cf. Jn 14, 6). In the following biblical citation: “Ask and you will receive and so your joy will be complete” (Jn 16, 24), the Lord is asking us to open our hearts, in order for us to really regret committing sins. Let’s remember that he said to the good thief: “In truth I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (Lk 23, 43)
Only the Heart of Jesus is Pure enough to welcome with pure love the Almighty-Powerful graces that our Heavenly Father wants to grant us in these end times full of trials and suffering.
“Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (Jn 14, 27).
In order for the Eucharist to reign in his children’s hearts, in all people and on all altars worthy of God, in spirit and in truth we will see more and more true worshipers of the Eucharist which is the Bread of Life, our Lord Jesus Christ who died and resurrected for us all. When the Eucharist will reign in his children’s hearts, we will be able to live in a civilization of love and peace, because only God can give peace. Brothers and sisters, we must never forget that the Lord said:
“You are Peter and on this rock I will build my community and the gates of hell will never overpower it. ” (Mt 16, 18)