Explanation concerning the meaning of the word welcome in the Welcoming Heart of Jesus Mission
The word welcome does not always have the same meaning, in peoples minds, when it is spoken or translated in different languages. In order to comprehend the meaning of this word, Micheline asked the Lord Jesus Christ how she could best explain it’s meaning to her brothers and sisters. The Lord answered and asked her to use, as an example, a father and mother who welcome and demonstrate their love to their children by doing everything that they possibly can, so that they can grow up and become autonomous and happy by receiving material necessities and spiritual guidance.
Actually, the Lord proceeds in the same way with us, because he welcomes and loves each one of us through the Mission of his Welcoming Heart. He does so by granting us the necessary graces that we need, in order to elevate us toward his Father, because a father never leaves his children alone.
In each trial that we have to go through, our heavenly Father grants us more and more graces, because he wants to draw us to him. So that we do not loose our souls, he therefore does everything that is necessary to prevent this from happening. He actually does like a good father and mother do when they do not give up on their children when they are confronted with trials, because they take all means possible to comfort them, even at the cost of great sufferance.
For those who go through great suffering because of their parents, the Lord says:
“Can a mother forget her baby at the breast,
feel no pity for the child she has borne?
Even if theses were to forget, I shall not forget you.
Look I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” (Is 49, 15-16)
The Father loves and welcomes each one of his children in a unique and personal way. Like earthly fathers and mothers, God the Father considers each one of his children as the most beautiful child living in this world. We must not forget that when the prodigal son returned to his home (cf. Lk 15, 11-31), he was welcomed and loved by his father. Therefore, we must not forget that God, who is our Father Almighty, knows our life story more than we do ourselves and that his unconditional welcome and love are given freely to each one of us.
“...you my burden since your birth,
whom I have carried from infancy.
Even to your old age I am the same,
even when your hair is gray I will bear you;
it is I who have done this,
I who will continue and I whowill carry you to safety.”( Is 46, 3-4)
God created us because he is Love and he wants us to bear love. For the Lord each one of his children is unique. He says to us “I have made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father” (Jn 15,15)
The Virgin Mary, like a good mother, is supplicating us to welcome the Gift of the Welcoming Heart of her Son Jesus-Christ, in order to be able to receive the Almighty graces of our heavenly Father’s Kingdom. Understand that God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are helping us to live through these times of trials through the Welcoming Heart of Jesus.
The Welcoming Heart of Jesus was formed in the Virgin Mary’s womb and she knows that humanity’s future is contained in the Heart of Jesus, which is the source from which flow’s God the Father’s love, his mercy and forgiveness. The Virgin Mary also taught us that the Sacred Heart of Jesus, his Merciful Heart and his Welcoming Heart is the same Heart that was pierced for everyone of us.
The time is now to let the Virgin Mary open our hearts to welcome God our Father’s Almighty Gift, which is the Welcoming Heart of Jesus, who is Christ our Lord, the Son of God, the Word of God and the expression of God the Father’s Love. When we consent and open our hearts to the Welcoming Heart of Jesus who welcome’s the Almighty graces of our heavenly Father that we receive through the Holy Spirit’s Power, we receive in all our being the life that God’s children need through his God given Love.
In these last times of darkness, the Lord liberated for us the Almighty graces of his Kingdom; and by manifesting them today, through his Welcoming Heart, to us who are his children, he gives us a taste of his Kingdom. Jesus promised this when he said: “when I am lifted up from the earth, I shall draw all people to myself.” (Jn 12, 32)
We must not also forget that the Welcoming Heart of Jesus Mission is a Eucharistic Mission for which the Lord chose the mother of a family named, Micheline Boisvert, who lives in Canada and whom he miraculously healed of multiple sclerosis. Afterward, he united her to his Eucharist, he made her live the suffering of his Passion and made her a victim for the reparation of sin.
Jesus said to us that: “whoever eats me will also draw life from me.” (Jn 6, 57). Therefore, anyone who is in a state of grace and receives the Holy Communion lives in Jesus and Jesus lives in that person. This is not a simple affective union, but a real union, which permits us to never forget that we can persevere when we receive God’s Eucharistic graces.
In the Welcoming Heart of Jesus Mission, Jesus welcomes the Almighty graces of his Father to liberate, deliver, purify, sanctify and heal us. This occurs because God wants to transform our whole beings, in order for us to be able to live a new birth, because his Love is manifested through his graces, which make’s it possible for us to love the Father like we really should, while rendering the Church more beautiful and Holy. God our heavenly Father is offering us the Welcoming Heart of Jesus who takes upon himself all the darkness which is within us.
Because Jesus took the Virgin Mary as an example when she was at the foot of the Cross, let’s do as he did and open our hearts and welcome the divine will of our heavenly Father, so that our actions, our listening, our glances and our words can continue announcing the Good News to our brothers and sisters. Let us remember that Christ has no other heart but our own to manifest his love and to testify about the graces that are welcomed through his Welcoming Heart.
In the Welcoming Heart of Jesus messages, the Virgin Mary taught us that only the welcome of her Son is Pure enough to welcome with great purity and strength his Almighty-Powerful graces that are preparing us for the imminent second coming of her Son, which will be manifested through the Power of the Holy Spirit’s Love.
You must stand ready, because the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect ”(Lk 12, 40).